Darryl Maximilian Robinson Provides A Public School Student's Sample Guide To American Slavery!

It is important to note that this commentary and editorial regarding the issue of Black American Human Slavery is the sole opinion of it's author. It is further significant to state that this is a short, non-expansive, list of items that may benefit an American Public School System Student of any race, ethnicity or financial status who may desire a starting point to begin their own personal research into the educational and societal issue of Black American Human Slavery. This written observation is one writer's suggestion of A STARTING POINT and nothing more. If PRO-SLAVERY ADVOCATES Governor Ron De Satan and The Florida State Board of Education want Florida's public school students to believe that Black People benefitted from the greatest, most horrific, historically documented ATROCITIES COMMITTED AGAINST HUMAN BEINGS BY WHITE SUPREMACIST, RACIST MEN AND WOMEN ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT, might I suggest that public school students in Florida begin to seek out their kn...