Darryl Maximilian Robinson Celebrates The Life And Career of The Late, Great James Earl Jones
YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT IN THE THEATRE, DARRYL MAXIMILIAN ROBINSON OF THE EXCALIBER SHAKESPEARE COMPANY OF CHICAGO AND THE EXCALIBER SHAKESPEARE COMPANY LOS ANGELES ARCHIVAL PROJECT, IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE PASSING OF AN AMERICAN ACTING LEGEND, IS THRILLED TO THE DISCUSS ONE OF THE GREATEST STAGE AND SCREEN PERFORMERS IN THE HISTORY OF THEATRE AND FILM. THE TRULY INCREDIBLE WORK OF A LATE, GREAT TALENT. On September 9, 2024 the entertainment industry and millions of stage, screen and television fans around the world lost one of the globe's finest actors, Mr. James Earl Jones. An artist known for many different roles, and who reached multiple generations of audiences during his 93-year-long lifetime. He was an acclaimed Shakespearean performer, as highlighted by his powerful 1974 New York Shakespeare Festival in Central Park performance in the title role of the immortal Bard's "King Lear," as well as critically-praised for his portrayal in the title role i...